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PolyLite™ PC is produced using a polycarbonate resin specifically engineered for 3D printing. It delivers good stiffness and heat resistance with light diffusing properties.
The short answer is yes, PolyLite™ PC will absorb moisture slightly faster than regular PLA. We recommend using a dry box to achieve high quality and strong prints.
Printing Temperature: 250˚C - 270˚C Bed Temperature: 90˚C - 105˚C Printing Speed: 30mm/s - 50mm/s Fan: OFF
Drying Settings: 75˚C for 12h (Only if the material has absorbed moisture)
Annealing Settings: 90˚ for 2h
Yes and no, you can watch the reviews below for more information but the rule of thumb is the bigger your print (more than the size of your fist) the more the enclosure will be required for dimensional stability.