VLMP PRO Heat Set Insert Press by Vector3D

Vector3DSKU: VEC2400COM

Sale price$324.00

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West3D is an exclusive partner for Vector3D Products in the United States. We sell both the VLMP 2 Hardware Kit (Complete) and the VLMP 1 to 2 Upgrade kit (just the parts to upgrade an existing VLMP1).

From Vector3D:

VLMP pro builds on the success of VLMP 1 but with a greater focus
on endurance and performance. VLMP pro implements bespoke design, high quality components and premium materials to offer an optimised heat set insert press for small business and batch production environments.

  1. Precise and smooth linear rails 
  2. Strong 2040 extrusion backbone 
  3. Fully enclosed idler to prevent belt hop 
  4. Stiff aluminium base 
  5. Highly repeatable performance 
  6. Reliable design 
  7. Quality components and materials. 
  8. Adjustable counterweight 
  9. Adjustable end stops

The VLMP Pro kit offers everything you need in a single package for a low risk purchase, simply select the soldering iron compatible with your region and we’ll deliver everything you need for a high performance heat set insert press. 

The license for files included with this purchase permit you to download and print them, and also modify them for personal use, but you may not redistribute them, nor sell or trade printed parts.  

Assembly Video


This is the hardware for assembly, with no printed parts. This includes all the screws, nuts, wheels, extrusion etc. You will receive a download link to the digital files, please note you are not allowed to share these files with others, they are property of Vector3D and licensed specifically for your use.

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