Wiring Harness for Voron Trident


Sale price$93.00


We have been looking for a reasonable alternative to what seems like very costly wiring harnesses that take it a step above your standard low cost options (e.g. PVC) and this is it. This pre-crimped harness comes with all wire (including mains) and holding brackets to help clean up your wiring. 

This kit comes pre-crimped for an Octopus controller board, a Dragon / V6 Hot end and pre-wired microswitches (pictured but not included) and comes with power connectors standard for the Tyco Power Inlet and ZF Rocker switch. The kit wires are provided at length for a 350mm build, however will work with smaller builds as well (with extra wire of course).


In addition to what is pictured, our new version also includes a filament runout sensor, pre-crimped neopixel harness, microSD card, and tap wiring.


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